╭─ ⋅ ⊱ 🌞 ⋅ ── ⋅ ♡ ⋅ ── vSunspire ── ⋅ ♡ ⋅ ── ⋅ 🌞 ⊰ ⋅ ─╮
Hello there! I am Sunspire, a furry artist in the fandom for 4 years now!

╰─ You can support me by commissioning my art! Or interacting with my social medias! ─╯

14 ⋅─⋅ she/he/they ⋅─⋅ genderfluid ⋅─⋅ EST

#Autism #ADHD #Otherhearted

❕ ❕ Important information ❕ ❕

  • Do not get heavily inspired by my OCs, and/or take heavy reference from them. Copying names, specific color schemes, etc. makes me uncomfortable, if you didn't mean any harm and accidentally made a similar character to mine, please mention that.

  • ╰─ Any accusations pointing towards my main fursona, Sunspire, being heavily inspired by major creators in the fandom are not true. I've gotten comparisons & blame before.

  • I do not just accept commissions, I am a content creator. I will not oblige to requests for free art, shout-outs, etc. Respect proper online etiquette when interacting with me.

  • If you are a minor without a source of income or the guidance of a legal guardian, do not commission me. Getting tied up in the affairs of a child's financial issues is not something I want. Be sure you have the proper bank credentials and permission before continuing to purchase anything online.

❕ Boundaries ❕

  • DNI: Zoophiles, pedophiles, racists, sexists, homophobes, necrophiles, etc.

  • Do not gore/porn-bait me. If you're going to send it, do it regularly./hj💀

  • Do not draw NSFW of my characters, whether it's sexual or violent. Besides when granted permission, you are not allowed to at any point in time.

  • Do not use AI to replicate or add onto my art in any way; do not use my art to train AI.

  • Do not use my art for commercial use (merchandise, advertisement.) without my permission.

  • Do not repost or trace my artwork, videos, characters, etc. without my permission unless it is something you commissioned for. Always give me credit and never use my art to claim as your creation.

  • You are allowed to vent to me! I do not faze at sensitive topics, but do not involve me into your personal drama without my consent.

  • I am always accepting fan content! Please email or @ on my main platforms me if you make any. :3

[email protected]